Stephanie Recieves Award for Excellence in Ocean Stewardship

April 29, 2022
ACES team member, Stephanie Wright, with award
The University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science recognized students and faculty who have demonstrated excellence in academics, leadership and service. ACES Team member, Stephanie Wright, was awarded the MPS AWARD for Excellence in Ocean Stewardship at the Student Awards Ceremony held on April 29th 2022. The MPS Student Award for Excellence in Ocean Stewardship was established to acknowledge a student in the Master of Professional Science (MPS) program that exemplified ocean stewardship through the development of an innovative internship project designed to address an important marine conservation issue.  The student selected for this award will have made a significant contribution to the understanding of resource management, sustainability, community-based management and outreach, and/or ocean and coastal resiliency using the best available science.  This student will also be one that exhibited leadership, service, and diplomacy while in residence at the Rosenstiel School and in collaboration with the internship hosting organization, as part of the greater mission of the MPS program to foster dynamic and compassionate future leaders.
Stephanie is pictured at the ceremony with her friend and award recipient for Outstanding Graduate Student Leader, Max Voehl. She was nominated by ACES director Dr. Ved Chirayath and selected as the awardee by the MPS faculty. Stephanie was speechless and honored by the commendation that comes with a $2000 award and plaque.
